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Christina, 23. Escapist book lover.

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Rogue Rider
Larissa Ione
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Jamie Quaid
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
April Genevieve Tucholke
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Lethal Rider (Lords of Deliverance Series #3)

Lethal Rider (Lords of Deliverance, #3 Demonica, #8) - Larissa Ione I'll admit I got into this book a little cautious, having read the rocky start of Thanatos and Regan's relationship in Immortal Rider. And when I say rocky, I actually mean: horribly-misunderstood, emotionally-scarring, violence-and-hate-inducing start.* So yeah. I dove in expecting to wince at angry sex and flinging accusations before the much desired HEA. Not the case. While the opposites-attract type of romance is great fun and ever sexy, Thanatos and Regan's romance was a more of a love story. They are, in fact, quite similar, both broken and deeply lonely, and they both cover it up with defensiveness and a sense of dark, biting humor. They fit perfectly. I enjoyed seeing them bond with their unborn child and with each other, and ultimately, fighting tooth and nail to keep their new, fragile family. There are some funny moments in this book, and I relished the appearance of a few familiar faces from the Demonica series. There's also a whole lotta gory violence. I suppose though this would be natural, this book being about Death Thanatos and all.The book keeps a hectic pace,even with a few stray POVs, which adds to the feeling that -pardon my french- the shit has hit the fan big this time. A great many things happen,either scary or heartwrenching, and climactically worse, like dominoes falling. Dominoes on fire. With acid dripping down as they fall. Speaking of POVs, Reaver, I have a terrible suspicion for you, though I still love you and want to have your babies. If that wouldn't turn you back into a Fallen one, that is. And Hades, how awesome are you? All in all, I loved this installment. It had the perfect balance of character development, sexy romance, action and suspense.Favorite quote: “If you could have a mate and kids, would you?” Reseph asked.Silence stretched, broken by the waves and the occasional seagull. Thanatos scooped up his own handful of rocks and shells and heaved them all into the water.“In a heartbeat,” he said quietly. “I would give up everything, my very soul, to have just one human lifetime with a mate and children.”*I will also admit that I read this book in under five hours, and that I had (and still have) a fever. That's right, I read this book while sick, so high five to Ione for managing to keep me riveted even like that. Headache? Worth it.